Creative Joke Writer
As you know, I’m a Mom. And MyKids have been wonderful at helping me to see the sense of humor in things. Naturally, we’ve had some lovely moments where we create various jokes of our […]

9 Ways to Get Your Child Reading Beyond Books
There’s more to reading than just books. A book is not the only medium to read. After all, the act of reading is still reading, no matter what material or medium is being read. So […]

Short Story: ‘IT’ by Mariecor Agravante
Here is another of my original short stories entitled ‘IT’ — a fiction piece in the Science Fiction genre. Enjoy! SHORT STORY: ‘IT’ By: Mariecor Agravante I remember when I officially met ‘IT’ – how […]

Short Story: Hand-Kissing
Herein is one of my original short stories — a work of fiction in the contemporary romance genre. Enjoy! SHORT STORY: “Hand-Kissing” By: Mariecor Agravante “To me, you are wonderful,” he said. She laughed […]

Cities of the Greater San Diego Region
You’ve just newly relocated to sunny San Diego. Besides all the tourist attractions, which you will eventually experience, you nevertheless want to orient yourself to the Greater San Diego region. What’s the Greater San Diego […]

5 Fun Back-to-School Family Finance Activities Families Can Do Together
The new school year has begun — it is that time again when parents and kids alike anticipate some additional expenditures from back-to-school family finance and shopping activities. It is also an opportunity to teach […]

Back in 2011, this short story of mine was published — but the online publication where it first appeared is no longer in operation. Since I retain rights to my short story, I’ve opted to […]

My New Role as a Professional Ghostwriter
Many have been asking why it’s been some time since I’ve written here on my blog. My apologies that my article posts have been fewer these past few months. And, that’s because I likewise moonlight […]

Tips on Creating an Owl-Friendly Garden
Attracting owls to your garden can be advantageous – especially when you want to keep rabbits, raccoons, mice, squirrels, gophers, even snakes at bay. Having a resident owl is a natural, “green” method in minimizing […]

Digital Art Ode to Books and Libraries
Recently I’ve added real estate digital artist and photographer to my resume. The new role has kept me from posting here on my blog on a regular basis. But, I wanted to share with you […]